How Much is a Million Gigabytes?

Slate reports that the Internet Archive’s “main server farm” holds “half-million gigabytes of compressed and indexed pages.” A thousand gigabytes — or 1,024 gigabytes, to be precise — is of course a terabyte, which is roughly 1.1 trillion bytes. How much is 1,024 terabytes, or 1,048,576 gigabytes? I had to look this up, and I’m pleased to report that it is a petabyte. 1,024 times that is an exabyte, 1,024 times that is a zettabyte, and 1,024 times that is a yottabyte.

No, of course I’m just joking. Who ever heard of such a silly word? Obviously, the proper meanings for all these terms are:

  1. A trillion bytes = 1 trilobite.

  2. One terabyte = the amount of data that terrifies you to think about.

  3. One petabyte = a tasty dog treat.

UPDATE: See also here and here.

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