Stuart Taylor on the Patriot Act:

Stuart Taylor has a very good essay on the debate over the Patriot Act. A taste:

  [T]he Bush administration has engaged in grave abuses, both at home and abroad, beginning with its unduly prolonged post-9/11 detention and (in many cases) abuse of hundreds of visitors from the Muslim world. Most alarming have been the administration’s claims of near-dictatorial wartime powers to seize and interrogate — even to the point of torture — anyone in the world whom the president labels an “enemy combatant.”
  But contrary to many a newspaper account, these abuses and overreaching claims of power had nothing to with the PATRIOT Act, about which so many people have cried wolf that the real wolves have received less attention than they deserve.
  . . .
  . . . [T]he big news is that for all the Sturm und Drang, we may be seeing the emergence of a remarkable expert consensus: For the most part, the USA PATRIOT Act is a good law.

Stuart also provides a link to the now-complete essays over at

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