Constructive Response to British Boycott of Haifa and Bar-Ilan Universities:

I’ve been searching for a constructive response to the obscene boycott of Haifa and Bar-Ilan universities in Israel by the British Association of University Teachers. An email in my inbox today suggests one:

Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Working With Bar-Ilan and Haifa Universities To Develop International Affiliate Faculty Status in Protest of Boycott by British.

Scholars for Peace in the Middle East is working with department heads and deans at Bar-Ilan University and Haifa Universities to develop a mechanism for affiliate faculty status at both Universities for faculty members from around the world to show support for these two important institutions targeted by the British Association of University Professors. It is important that institutionally based full-time, part-time and adjunct faculty of good will to support our faculty colleagues in Israel by requesting affiliate faculty status.

Academics are being asked to submit a letter requesting an affiliate appointment to each university with a CV to [email protected]. In addition, colleagues are urged to write to the Association of University Teachers in the United Kingdom to express their condemnation of the boycott and to advise them that they are seeking affiliate status with these universities. Those letters should go to:

AUT Headquarters: [email protected] ; Aut General Secretary, Sally Hunt [email protected]; AUT President, Angela Roger [email protected], Assistant General Secretary for International Affairs, Brian Everett, [email protected] with a copy to Dr. Ed Beck, President of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, [email protected]

Feel free to add any personal statement of support and sign with you name, rank, institutional address and contact information with email address. Letters and resumesill be forwarded to the appropriate officials at each University.

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