Patriot Debates Forum and Book Release:

On Wednesday, May 25, from 8 am to 11 am, the contributors of Patriot Debates are going to be having a debate on the Patriot Act at the Holeman Lounge of the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Panelists will include Viet Dinh, Patricia Wald, James Dempsey, Timothy Edgar, Gregory Jacob, Kate Martin, Andrew McCarthy, Joe Onek, Heather Mac Donald, Michael Woods, Peter Swire, and myself. The event will be moderated by Stewart Baker; it’s free, but registration is required. Call 202-662-1035 or email hmcmahon at to register.

  The debate is also a book release; the essays posted online at have been assembled into a book by the ABA, and will now be on sale for those who really need a bound paper version. As the Patriot Debates website announces: “Patriot Debates — Now in 19th Century Format!”

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