Volokh Conspiracy Happy Hour Idea:

Summer is almost here, and I was thinking it might be fun to have an official Volokh Conspiracy Happy Hour here in Washington, DC some time in the next month or so. Blogfather Eugene can’t join us (being in Los Angeles and all that), but I think we can get a couple of Conspirators and perhaps even some special guests from other law blogs to attend.

  Here’s the question: How many people would show up for a Volokh Conspiracy happy hour? I have no clue. To get a rough idea of how many people might show, I hope you’ll indulge an effort to get a blogospheric head count. Here’s how it’ll work: If you would want to come to a VC happy hour and think you probably would be able to attend a happy hour in downtown DC sometime in June, please send an e-mail to orinkerr (at) yahoo.com. Please include the rough number of people you would expect to come with in the subject line of the e-mail (“1” if it would probably be just you, “15” if think you’re gonna bring the whole summer associate class, etc.) I realize that this is a really really imperfect way of getting a sense of how many people might show, and also that it’s kind of a pain to send the e-mail, but my guess is that it’ll at least give us a ballpark figure of whether it’s worth having this event, and if so, what kind of venue we’ll need. Thanks.

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