Oh, That’s What Loving Your Country Means:

Here’s a line from a Republican Party press release about the latest national security legislation:

Sixty-eight senators proved late Monday that they love their country more than they love the ideological extremists who increasingly drive the opposition to a sound national defense.

Pretty outrageous, no, that people would suggest that those who disagree with them on national defense don’t adequately “love their country”? Shame on the Republicans for that one.

Or it would be a shame, if the Republicans had issued such a press release. As it happens, they didn’t; the “love their country” phrase is at the start of a Boston Globe editorial:

Fourteen Senators proved late Monday that they love their country and their institution more than they love the ideological extremists who increasingly drive the national debate.

Oh, that must be OK, then — after all, if you oppose the filibuster compromise, you must just not love your country enough.

Thanks to OpinionJournal’s Best of the Web for the pointer.

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