What Peace Means to the Egyptian Government:

This Egyptian government website, which my wife stumbled upon by chance, tells an amazingly distorted story of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in general, and the history of Jerusalem in particular. Of particular note is this page on the “history” of Jerusalem. It starts with the assertion that “[a]ll along human history, Jerusalem has always been an Arab Palestinian city”–quite a feat given that Palestine didn’t exist as a geographic entity until Roman times, and then only briefly until the 20th century, and, as the page itself later notes, the Arabs didn’t invade Jerusalem until the 7th century–and goes downhill from there (e.g., “[in] 600 years BC, the political history of the Jews had ended in Palestine”–guess that Hasmonean dynasty was just Josephus’s imagination). Egypt, remember, is at “peace” with Israel. I’d hate to see what lies and distortions the government’s website would come up with if they were still at war.

UPDATE: Jim Davila at PaleoJudaica discusses some of the Jerusalem’s site’s other inaccuracies.

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