More on Why We Write:

As promised, Eric Muller has weighed in with his answer to what motivates him to write. It’s an interesting answer, I think, because it is honest about a gap that I think many youngish law professors feel: the difference between scholarship written for the purposes of career advancement and scholarship written because the writer feels he or she has something important to say. (Of course, that doesn’t mean I don’t have something really important to say in my latest article project, From Critical Theory to Abu Graib: Akhil Amar, Paris Hilton, and the Reconstruction of Due Process in Cyberspace.)

  While we’re on the topic, don’t miss this classic essay on Why I Write by George Orwell. Thanks to David McGowan for the link.

  UDPATE: In response to reader mail, I think it’s probably wise to clarify that the bit about “my latest article project” was just a joke.

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