The Richness of Contract Theory:

I have now fixed the link to my review of Bob Hillman’s book, The Richness of Contract Law (not that anyone complained). The review is called, The Richness of Contract Theory, and here is the abstract:

In his book, “The Richness of Contract Law,” Robert Hillman criticizes “highly abstract” or “unifying” contract law theories that, he says, fail to reflect adequately the complexities of existing contract law. In his review, “The Richness of Contract Theory,” Randy Barnett takes issue with this claim and identifies the generational dispute between legal “realists,” whose approach is shared by Professor Hillman, and legal “theorists” of whom Hillman is critical. Professor Barnett’s thesis is that the very purpose of modern legal theories is to simplify a complex reality so as to better understand, cope with, and reform legal doctrine. Barnett then discusses Hillman’s recent important empirical research on promissory estoppel. Hillman’s findings represent a partial corrective to the previous consensus against a “reliance theory” of promissory estoppel insofar as they establish that reliance is a necessary element of promissory estoppel. However, his data also support the Willistonian conception of promissory estoppel by showing that a promise is also required. Ironically, Hillman is, Barnett claims, insufficiently sensitive to the complexity of the cases he surveys and the need to distinguish “reasonable” or “justified” from “unreasonable” or “unjustified” reliance. A more sophisticated analysis of these cases is provided by Professor Sidney DeLong who also is, not coincidentally, more receptive than Hillman to the richness of modern contract theory. While supporting Hillman’s finding concerning the requirement of reliance, DeLong also notices courts frequently distinguishing “performance” from “enforcement” reliance. Enforcement reliance is reliance accompanied by a manifested intention by the promisor to be legally bound, or what Barnett has previously called consent.

Update:My apologies. I had not realized that there was only an abstract on SSRN, rather than the entire article. The final published version can be found on my website here. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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