Posting Key Documents in News Stories:

By the way, wouldn’t it have been something of a public service for Editor & Publisher to have posted the Complaint in the case, so that interested readers could read it for themselves? True, not a lot of readers would have seen it, but I suspect that many people who read Editor & Publisher are fairly interested in details such as this. Moreover, having the Complaint could help other journalists, scholars, and commentators speak more intelligently about the case; and I take it that the media sees fostering intelligent discussion as part of its mission. More broadly, the practice of posting original documents can make it easier for readers to check whether stories are accurate, whether quotes are in context, whether important details might have been missed, and so on — and that too would advance public enlightenment.

True, I realize that I’m asking the magazine to be somewhat public-spirited here. But it’s not a terribly expensive form of public-spiritedness — and the journalism profession does often stress its public-spiritedness, and its commitment to enlightening the public as well as making money.

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