“The Great Equalizer”:

Pittsburgh’s Mayor Tom Murphy comments on Kelo:

But [Murphy] said eminent domain was a key tool in convincing the Pittsburgh Wool Co. to make way for an expansion of H.J. Heinz Co. facilities, a move that he said, kept Heinz here and paved the way for Del Monte Foods Co.’s purchase of the facilities.

“There are 1,500 jobs here in Pittsburgh that wouldn’t have been here if we had not had the ability to work with Heinz,” Murphy said.

Eminent domain “is a great equalizer when you’re having a conversation with people,” Murphy said. “It’s about having a fair conversation and not being held up by people who do not have any interest in the community, but only have an interest in putting more money in their pockets.”

And Tony “The Great Equalizer” Soprano just wants to have a “fair conversation” with you about your construction project…

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