Discussing Justice O’Connor:

I discuss Justice O’Connor’s resignation on WBUR’s On Point radio show, which airs in Boston (and elsewhere) at 7:00pm ET. Here are the guests:

· Warren Ritchie, covers the Supreme Court for the Christian Science Monitor
· Randy Barnett, law professor at Boston University. In 2004 he argued the medical marijuana case before the high court
· Jeffrey Rosen, Professor of Law at George Washington University, legal affairs editor of The New Republic
· Ronnell Anderson Jones, from 2003-2004 clerked for Justice O’Connor, visiting faculty fellow at the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona
· Patrick Schiltz, founding dean and professor at the University of St. Thomas Law School, clerked for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Details about the show (and eventually a link to an archive recording) are here. You can listen to it live (now) here.
Unfortunately CSPAN did not cover the ACS event at the National Press Club on Thursday. But it was lots of fun to participate.

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