Legislative Responses to Kelo:

Donald Lambro reports on legislative responses to Kelo in Washington and around the country:

Fueled by mounting grass-roots anger over the high court’s 5-4 decision last month in the Kelo v. New London eminent-domain case, several state legislatures are expected to act on some kind of statutory ban before year’s end and more are expected to take action next year.

Legislation in the House and Senate already has drawn surprisingly strong support across the political spectrum — from House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas on the right to Michigan Rep. John Conyers Jr., the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, on the left.

According to the article, several states have already introduced bills prohibiting transfers of property to private commercial interests.

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is also drafting a model bill for the states that would declare that “the power of eminent domain shall be available only for public use,” such as the development of roads and other public facilities.

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