Trinidad & Tobago:

In light of the overwhelming response in the comment thread below in favor of eclectic posts, I’m inspired to post this odd one for any readers in Trinidad & Tobago.

  An old friend of mine contacted me recently to ask what it was like to defend police officers against bribery charges in Trinidad. He provided a link to this story from the Trinidad & Tobago Express, which indeed says that “Orin Kerr” is on the defense team of a bribery case there:

  State attorneys George Busby and Nirana Parsan are prosecuting while attorneys Mario Merritt and Orin Kerr are defending the accused.

  I’ve never heard of this case, or been to Trinidad. So I wonder, is there another criminal lawyer named Orin Kerr who happens to practice in Trinidad? Possible, but it seems somewhat unlikely. Does anyone have any insight into the story? I hope our readers have better things to do with their time than ponder this random and useless question, but in case anyone knows, I’m a little curious. (FWIW, I googled the reporter to try to find an e-mail address but came up empty; I e-mailed the newspaper last week but did not receive a response; and lots of googling has confirmed that other lawyers mentioned have had other cases in Trinidad, but not “orin kerr”.)

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