Behind on Correspondence:

For the past month, I have been deep into writing a new major work on the Ninth Amendment, entitled, “Five Originalist Models of the Ninth Amendment.” (When it is ready in August, you will hear about it here first and I will make it available to everyone on SSRN.) So I have been blogging light of late, and am way behind in answering emails received over the past several weeks. While lecturing next week in Germany, I hope to be able to catch up, but I may overlook someone. My apologies to anyone whose thoughtful email goes unanswered.

I do have a tip for correspondents. Any email that requires any substantial effort to answer is likely to be read, appreciated, and saved for a later time, which may or may not come. The easier is the response required, the more likely it will receive an immediate response and won’t end up getting lost in my overflowing inbox. I always regret when this happens, but it inevitably happens sometimes.

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