The Legal Realities Behind the Blogging Revolution:

Here is announcement from the Boston University Journal of Science and Technology:

Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law announces a Colloquium, to be held February 11, 2006, to consider the legal complexities facing the growing blogging community. Our goal is to collect a body of scholarship on the legal issues bloggers face in order to provide courts with some guidance as cases are litigated in these areas. We therefore welcome submissions from a broad and diverse range of voices and research areas: practitioners, judges, activists, and academics.

Some questions to consider:
• Are bloggers journalists? If so, what liabilities and privileges do they have?
• How do intellectual property laws affect what bloggers can or cannot post?
• What are the ethical issues bloggers need to consider?
• Can bloggers be fired for blogging?
• How does the First Amendment apply to blogging?
• How do jurisdictional boundaries, international and domestic, affect the legal issues
potentially raised by blogging?
• How do any of these issues change with the introduction of syndication, inline advertisements or tip jars, podcasting, or multiple authors on a single blog?

Paper proposals should include an abstract of no more than 1200 words, as well as the author’s curriculum vitae. Please send proposals via e-mail in Word document format to by September 1, 2005. Your subject line should read: Colloquium Paper Proposal: [Title]. The
Journal will announce its decisions by October 1, 2005. Papers from the Colloquium will be published in Volume 12 of the Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law.

To learn more about and contact the Journal, click on the link above or send an email to jstl (at) bu (dot) edu.

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