First Souter, Now Breyer?:

The Associated Press reports:

  Critics of a U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that governments may seize private property for economic development want to use the process to seize a justice’s vacation home and turn it into a park.
  The New Hampshire Libertarian Party is collecting signatures for a petition to ask the town to use Justice Stephen G. Breyer’s 167-acre Plainfield property to create a “Constitution Park,” with stone monuments to commemorate the U.S and New Hampshire constitutions, said party Vice Chairman Mike Lorrey.
  “The point is: What goes around comes around,” Lorrey said. “This is a way of saying, ‘You’re going to be held to your own standard.'”

  I assume this means that Mr. Lorrey is willing to have his own property taken, as well? After all, what goes around comes around; surely Mr. Lorrey would want to be held to the same standard as he is holding Justice Breyer. Seems like a strange position for a libertarian, even just for a publicity stunt.

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