Full-Tuition Scholarships for Katrina-Affected Students at Hebrew U.:

Pulled from the Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Website:

President Prof. Menachem Magidor of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has announced that full tuition scholarships at the Rothberg International School will be offered to students affected by Hurricane Katrina. The autumn semester begins on October 9, so there is still plenty of time to make arrangements to attend. Courses are offered in English, and no prior knowledge of Hebrew is required. Dormitory accommodation on the University’s Mount Scopus campus is available. Interested students are asked to contact Aviva Kremer at ugrad@hebrewu.com as soon as possible.

[My understanding is that Rothberg credits are easily transferable to U.S. institutions. I know quite a few people who have studied there, and they speak of it highly–ed.]

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