
What’s in the Hatch?

The second season of ABC’s “Lost” starts soon, and millions of dedicated viewers are scrambling to figure out what is going on. One of the (many) mysteries of the moment is what is in the hatch? (If you don’t watch the show — and I’ve only seen a few episodes — it’s hard to explain.)

At the risk of intruding on my puzzling co-blogger’s turf, I thought readers might be interested in the puzzle. Here are clues that have been disclosed on a popular spoiler site thus far. [WARNING: This site has lots of spoilers for lots of TV shows.]

  1. This thing in the Hatch can be called by two different words: One is three letters and starts and ends with two letters that are right next to each other in the alphabet. The other is seven letters long and starts and ends with the same letter.
  2. The word that begins and ends with the same letter is not a plural, and it is not SOULS or WINDOW.
  3. Some of you were there this morning.
  4. In a way, it’s something you’ve never seen before. But in a way, it’s something you see every day and are probably seeing right now.

So, what’s in the hatch?

UPDATE: It turns out that only people who watch the show religiously could have figured this one out. The answer was a man named Desmond.

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