Constitution Day at GMU:

George Mason is proud to celebrate the newly-mandated Constitution Day obligations in the appropriate manner by asking whether said Constitution Day obligations are actually constitutional:

The Byrd Rider to this year’s Omnibus Appropriations Bill requires
schools that receive federal funding — nearly all of them — to have
ceremonies each year marking Constitution Day.

Join Foundation Professor of Law Ronald Rotunda and Patrick Henry
Professor of Law Nelson Lund for as they examine whether it is
constitutional for Congress to use its spending power to reach down into
the curriculum and culture of every school in the country and dictate
what shall be taught, celebrated, or memorialized — and when. The
discussion will be moderated by Paul Mirengoff of Akin, Gump, Strauss,
Hauer & Feld and the Power Line blog.

Is this is what Senator Byrd had in mind in mandating Constitution Day teaching?

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