Dave Kopel bleg for pro-freedom translators:

Folks who have visited my website recently may have noticed that the site now offers content (either directly, or via links) in Japanese, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Czech, Hungarian, and Polish. To further assist the many millions of freedom activists all over the world who do not speak English, I am soliciting volunteer translators in any and all languages.

At the easier level, translators can simply use their reading skills to help me compile links to add to my website–such as list of the best websites in a particular language which defend the right to arms and other civil liberties. At the more challenging level, translators can work with me to produce full-text translations of my English-language articles (presumably the shorter ones)–picking articles which are of particular interest to the translator and to the relevant language community.

Pay is nil, but article translators will be credited. If you would like to help, please contact me via the e-mail link at the bottom of the left column on my home page.

BTW, if you’re interested in Saints and the Virgin Mary, I also write about them, and would be likewise be grateful for translators.

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