Judicial Conservatism:

Last week, I discussed “judicial conservatism” on the Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU-FM, DC public radio. Other guests were Professor Earl Maltz (Rutgers University School of Law at Camden) and Manuel Miranda (Founder and Chairman, Third Branch Conference). You can hear it here in either Real Audio or Windows Media Player (links on right side of page). My segment begins at 13:06.

I think the term “judicial conservatism” is properly reserved for the philosophy of judicial restraint or deference to majoritarian branches, but the show used it to encompass originalism, even where adhering to original meaning leads to striking down legislation.

PS: I know I have not been blogging of late, but teaching and other duties, combined with commuting from DC to Boston, have absorbed all my extra time. I am really enjoying my visit to Georgetown so far—the students and collegiality have been terrific—but it has been draining . . . in a good way.

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