Symposium on the Legacy of the Rehnquist Court:

On October 27th and 28th, the George Washington Law Review will host a 2-day symposium on the legacy of the Rehnquist Court. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will deliver remarks, and the symposium will include panels on federalism, the role of Solicitors General, criminal justice, the media, and national security law.

  The speakers for the symposim are a top-notch group. The panel on Solicitors General will be moderated by SG Paul Clement, and will feature Charles Fried, Ted Olson, Walter Dellinger, Drew Days, and Maureen Mahoney. The panel on national security law will feature John Yoo, Jack Goldsmith, Jon Turley, and Burt Neuborne. The media panel will feature Linda Greenhouse, Tony Mauro, David Savage, and Pete Williams. The panel on federalism will feature David Shapiro, Ernie Young, Roderick Hills, and Peter Smith. Last but not least, the panel on criminal justice will be moderated by Judge Carlos Lucero, and will feature Stephanos Bibas, Rachel Barkow, Steve Saltzburg, and Paul Butler.

  The location of the symposium will be GW Law School, 2000 H Street NW, Washington DC. Stay tuned for more details at the GW Law Review website.

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