The Selling of Harriett Miers, Part II:

From the New York Times:

  Sean Rushton, executive director of the Committee for Justice, said generating enthusiasm for Ms. Miers was proving difficult because “anytime we put out something positive about her it gets shot to pieces by all our allies and the blogs.”

  The same article has an interesting discussion of Harriett Miers meeting with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter:

  Several Republicans, including Mr. Specter, said they steered clear of asking Ms. Miers questions about constitutional law. Mr. Specter, who said the timing of the confirmation hearings would depend in part on when Ms. Miers feels ready, said he initiated a discussion of the shifting standards the Supreme Court has applied in interpreting the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, but only to illustrate to Ms. Miers the kinds of questions she would face during her hearings.
  “I did not ask her about it because I don’t think she’s ready to face it at the moment,” he said. “Look, the lady was White House counsel dealing with totally other subjects until Sunday night when the president offered her the job. And Monday she’s sitting with me. I’m not going to ask her questions which she hasn’t had a chance to study or reflect on.”

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