On-Line Academic Study:

Niclas Berggren, an Economics Professor in Sweden, is doing an on-line academic study and is seeking international participation. If you have a few minutes, I hope you will participate. The link and password info is provided in the message below.

I am writing you to ask for your help in a scientific study I’m doing with Henrik Jordahl from Uppsala University and Panu Poutvaara from the University of Helsinki. We are studying differences in the perception of beauty and some related traits, and for this purpose we aim to recruit respondents from different countries.

Username: beautystudy

Password: qwerty

Please write VOLOKH as your city when replying to the survey, to indicate that you were invited at this site.

If you would like to receive an executive summary of our results, please write your email address at the end of the study and tick the appropriate box. The e-mail addresses are stored separately from replies.

Deadline for participation in the study is 30 November.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions.

Many thanks for your time and help.

Best regards,
Niclas Berggren

Please feel free to pass on the info to anyone else you know.

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