Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement:

The Smoking Gun has posted a remarkable collection of photographs recently found in a Montgomery County Alabama Sheriff’s Department storage room. The photos are booking photos from individuals arrested during the civil rights movement. One photo, of the late Rosa Parks, has already become famous. The Smoking Gun has posted the whole set, about 100 photos in all. The site explains:

  In the wake of Rosa Parks’s death, a mug shot of her taken during the Montgomery bus boycotts accompanied most media accounts of the civil rights pioneer’s life. That 1956 photo (and a similar one of Martin Luther King, Jr.) was discovered last year by a deputy cleaning out a Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department storage room. Turns out that Alabama basement contained about 100 other historic booking photos taken at the time of the Parks arrest and, five years later, during a Freedom Riders protest. On the following pages, TSG reproduces all of these images for the first time, a photographic roster of heroes that once seemed lost to history.

  The photos are pretty powerful; check them out here. Thanks to Michael Cernovich for the link.

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