The Dartmouth Review Celebrates 25 Years:

The Dartmouth Review celebrates its 25th Anniversary this year and to honor the occastion, ISI Books will be publishing an edition of the Review’s greatest hits. James Panero has more (HT: Dartmouth Review). Love ’em or hate ’em, The Review not only has shaped much of many of Dartmouth’s culture controversies for the past 25 years, but has in many ways transformed the face of student journalism across the United States, first among conservative imitators, and later through liberal responses.

As a personal note, it is often assumed that I must have written for the Dartmouth Review while in college–I did not. I was on work-study, and my Freshman year I was hired by a couple of my dormmates to be an advertising salesman for The Dartmouth (the main student newspaper at Dartmouth), which not only was fun, but also took the place of my job washing dishes and mopping floors in the cafeteria. Eventually, I became Advertising Manager of The Dartmouth, then still later, I covered Dartmouth football as the football beat writer my Senior year. (BTW, sports writing is great training for anyone who wants to learn how to write in a lively and active manner–a skill that I fear years of lawyerese has beaten out of me). So I was involved with The Dartmouth all the way through college, which was one of my most pleasant and memorable experiences at Dartmouth.

Anyway, for those interested in such things, Panero promises a rolling feast of The Review’s greatest hits on the New Criterion blog over the coming months. The one he has up today is quite amusing.

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