Dilbert Blog:

I just learned from Joe Malchow that Scott Adams now has a blog, known appropriately enough as Dilbert Blog. Joe points to this post explaining why a police officer is shown in one Dilbert strip firing a donut at a perp, rather than a gun.


I deleted the second paragraph of the original post in order to avoid spurring a debate that goes beyond what I was trying to raise here, and one that has been discussed extensively elsewhere. I really didn’t want to open that can of worms here at this time, and so have revised the post accordingly and disabled comments.


Since some have asked, I want to emphasize that truly the only reason I pulled down the earlier post was because I didn’t want to open that can of worms. Those who doubt the sincerity of this explanation clearly have not been down this particular road with this particular person before. For anyone who has doubts why I would have second thoughts about going down that particular path, I can simply point you to Scott Adams’s post to which I originally linked. On reflection, I quickly realized that I would sooner bang myself in the head with a ball peen hammer repeatedly than to go through a similarly exasperating experience again. One need simply read his comment to my withdrawn post for a reminder of why I soon recognized the pointlessness of trying to engage in any sort of intellectual discussion. My empathy for Scott Adams, new to the blogosphere, overwhelmed my caution not to go down that path. Once I realized what I had done, I chose to modify, and then withdraw the post. I had a brief lapse of judgment, but I promise it will not happen again.

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