Public Choice and the Waning Anti-Kelo Backlash:

Tom Blumer at BizzyBlog is not surprised that the Anti-Kelo backlash is already running out of steam as a result of public choice pressures.


More from the Affordable Housing Institute–in addition to the analysis, I recommend clicking through just to see the artistic renderings of the issue.


Timothy Sandefur notes in the Comments that Tom and I have misunderstood his position as one of a “waning” anti-Kelo backlash:

It’s wrong to refer to the “waning” backlash. The point of my post and my article is that the backlash is not waning, but that it has not really begun at all. Most of the state legislatures are in recess, and have been since shortly after Kelo was decided. The four states that have acted are unusual in that regard (Texas and Alabama were in special session). My point was that the Kelo backlash has yet to begin and that if it is to do so, it must avoid the errors made by Ohio, Alabama, Texas, and Delaware.

I (and apparently Tom too) had understood Tim to say that it would be difficult to sustain the backlash and that weak legislation that had been enacted was an inevitable outcome of the legislative process. He appears to be optimistic that stronger legislation can be enacted elsewhere. I apologize if I misread his initial post.

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