Computers and Conspiracies:

Sorry for the trouble with the blog yesterday; everything should be well now, and David Bernstein’s post on Iran and Israel is back, too, in its original spot; that was the last item that needed fixing.

As best we can tell, the problem was caused by a random hardware failure, and not — as commenter Mary at SCOTUSblog suggested — governmental oppression:

Speaking of the Government’s manipulation of Padilla, has anyone here tried to get on Volokhs Conspiracy blog today? Over there, several heated discussions were in progress on Hamdi, Padilla, the domestic surveillance, Supreme Court Dockets No. 05-7287 & 05-7771 (Day-Petrano), and The Vessel Mistress surveillance vessel. Now it appears Volokh may be offline. I tried to access that blog to check in on this important national topic on a number of different computers, including the one at the local Courthouse law library, and all that comes up is the web page cannot be displayed. Is anyone else having this problem? If so, I wonder of the Government has taken down Volokh. Anyone know anything? For those interested in the Government’s manipulation of Padilla, please note, my cases have been manipulated also. My cases arise in the civil rights context.

As Orin pointed out in the comments to the same SCOTUSblog post, “No conspiracy other than the Volokh one.” (Thanks to Eric Freedman for alerting us to the original SCOTUSblog comment.)

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