New Blog By David Friedman:

When I was in college, the two books I found most helpful to appreciate libertarianism were Murray Rothbard’s For a New Liberty (now available for free downloading here) and David Friedman’s, Machinery of Freedom (which was updated in 1989). As a senior at Northwestern, I taught a for-credit student-organized seminar on libertarianism that used both these books. Murray Rothbard died a few years ago, but David Friedman continues to turn out interesting provocative work. (He was 26 when The Machinery of Freedom was published in 1971.) For quite some time, David has posted on discussion boards, but now he turns his attention to blogging. The start of his new blog Ideas is auspicious. I have not read every post, but all I have read were of a very high quality. I won’t single any out for special mention because I don’t want to turn this post into a substantive discussion of David’s provocative positions. His blog is the appropriate venue for that. But Ideas will now be among the blogs I regularly visit. Check it out. (Hat tip to In Lehmann’s Terms)

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