Truth On the Market Blog:

The Truth on the Market blog is now in operation. In their offering prospectus they describe themselves as follows:

Welcome to Truth on the Market. We have launched this blog to provide the metaphysical subjective truth on abstract, concrete and invisible markets throughout the civilized world (whatever that means). More specifically, as indicated by our current tagline (we know it’s unoriginal; we hope to come up with something better soon) our blog will provide academic commentary on law, business, economics and more. The “more” will include observations on law school, blogging, being a law prof, smoking bans, payola, legal valuation, football, processed cheese, and calorie counts, among other things.

We currently have a lineup of six young turks as regular bloggers and may add more. We all teach and write in the business law area, broadly defined. We had hoped to have some non-law profs (economics, finance, IO, sociology, etc.) and business law practitioners, but our recruitment efforts have so far been unsuccessful. Note though that Josh has a Ph.D. in economics. We also have an anonymous blogger, “pseudonym on the market” (he/she is rumored to be the love child of Article III Groupie and Jaun Non-Volokh). Unfortunately, contrary to rumors, neither Henry Manne nor Kate Litvak will be joining us out of the shoot, but we’re hoping one or both will join us in the near future for at least a guest stint.

We are aware of recent statements that blogging should be avoided by junior faculty. We are all junior faculty here and thus obviously disagree. Or, more correctly, as elaborated by Prof. Barnett in this post, we applied our local knowledge of our faculties and personal knowledge of ourselves and determined that the benefits of blogging outweigh the risks (other than Pseudonym on the Market who does think it is too risky, hence the pseudonym).

If all goes well with this blog, look for the Truth on the Market hedge fund. If not, maybe we can get jobs at Tufts (does Tufts have a law school?).

Alert readers will recognize that the group made their debut guest-blogging for Larry Ribstein at Ideoblog in December.

Among the contributors is my colleague Josh Wright, who has correctly interpreted George Mason’s local culture on such matters, and joins David, Michelle, and yours truly in the blogosphere. With the exception of Chicago, which has its own in-house blog, given the size of our faculty I suspect that this must give GMU Law one of the higher blogger-faculty ratios in the country. And we hope to add a few more this year (news to come at a later date, I hope).

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