More power for Secret Service? ACLU and Kopel say “no”:

A new article from Fox News explains how Senator Specter inserted a provision into the conference report on the Patriot Act. The provision, which has never been the subject of a congressional hearing or vote, would significantly expand the power of the Secret Service to create restricted zones in which demonstrations and other forms of free speech could be restricted.

For more on the controversy, see this story from the December Washington Post. The text of Specter’s proposal (which was originally introduced as a stand-alone bill), is contained in section 2 of S. 1967.

Personally, I am open to serious, fact-based arguments that there is be a legitimate need to expand Secret Service powers–but those arguments have not been presented, since there have never been any Congressional hearings or debate on giving the Secret Service more power. Congress owes the American people the duty of holding hearings and open debate on any new law, and the duty is especially important when the new law would increase the power of the executive branch to limit the exercise of constitutional rights, including the right to freely assemble.

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