Honoring Sandra Day O’Connor:

Later today, Samuel A. Alito will be confirmed by the U.S. Senate to a position as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. While there will be lots of focus on the new Justice Alito, I hope we’ll also take a moment to pause and thank Justice Sandra Day O’Connor for her 24+ years of dedicated public service. Justice O’Connor’s July 1, 2005 letter to the President announced that she would retire from the Court upon the confirmation of her successor, which means that she will be retiring from active service on the Court as of today. I hope the news accounts of Alito’s confirmation make a special point to note that.

  UPDATE: I have deleted the entire comment thread, which brought out a pathetic series of attacks on Justice O’Connor. I had thought VC commenters were more mature than that, but obviously I was wrong.

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