Op-ed in Today’s Wall Street Journal on the ABA and Racial Preferences:

Page A9 of today’s Journal contains my Rule of Law Column, which begins as follows:

According to its mission statement, a primary goal of the American Bar Association is to “promote respect for the law.” In the interest of mandating racial preferences in admissions, however, the ABA is about to order law schools to do just the opposite — in fact, to violate the law — and is resorting to blackmail to achieve its end.

Meeting in Chicago today, the ABA’s Council of the Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar will vote on new “equal opportunity and diversity” standards. If they are approved, any law school that seeks to maintain or acquire ABA accreditation will be required to engage in racial preferences in hiring and admissions, regardless of any federal, state or local laws that prohibit of such policies.

I’ll post an Internet link, with further comments, when one is available.

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