Some (Relatively) good news from a Poll of Palestinians:

Ha’aretz: “In the first poll in the territories since Hamas’ victory, 66 percent of respondents said the new government should honor the Palestinian Authority’s commitment to negotiations with Israel. Among Hamas voters, only 12 percent said they chose Hamas for its political agenda, while 43 percent said they were fed up with Fatah’s corruption. The rest said they were hoping for a better life or voted for religious reasons…. The poll confirms that most Palestinians, 58 percent, still believe the conflict with Israel should be resolved on the basis of the two-state principle. A binational state received support from 22 percent, while 10 percent favored a Palestinian state on the entire land.”

Given these poll numbers, I would think that there is room for the development of a relatively liberal, non-Islamic, non-corrupt political movement in the Palestinian areas that seeks a negotiated peace with Israel. It’s too bad the EU, U.S., and to some extent Israel itself were busy propping up Fatah all these years instead of helping nurture such a movement.

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