“Christians United for Israel”:


A new group in the United States, Christians United for Israel, will serve as an umbrella organization for Christian congregations that support Israel, and will lobby for Israel.

Some 400 Christian community leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, two weeks ago to establish the group, which Christians United officials said represents about 30 million Americans.

The organization’s main goal is to create a rapid-response network “targeted to reach every senator and congressman” in the United States. It is led by evangelical leaders Dr. John C. Hagee and George Morrison; fundamentalist Baptist minister Jerry Falwell; and Gary Bauer, president of the American Values organization aimed at protecting marriage, family and faith.

This could be a very influential organization if it takes off. I’m surprised this hasn’t received more coverage from the MSM.

While Falwell and Bauer aren’t my favorite people, if you’re thinking, “they just want to help Israel because they think it will hasten the coming of Battle of Armaggedon,the Rapture, and the conversion/death of all the Jews,” get over it, it just ain’t so. I’ve corresponded with quite a few evangelical supporters of Israel, as well as former evangelicals familiar with th movement, and all agree that the percentage who support Israel for that reason is tiny (equivalent, perhaps, to the Jewish meshuggahs who want to imminently build the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem), though if you read liberal Jewish sources you would come away convinced that it’s 99% of them.

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