Levy Fellowships at George Mason Law School:

Some readers may be interested in applying for the Levy Fellowship program at George Mason Law School.

Eligibility requirements are as follows:

The Robert A. Levy Fellowships in Law & Liberty were created through the generosity of Dr. Robert A. Levy, a 1994 graduate of the law school. Through this fellowship program, Dr. Levy seeks to encourage young scholars to enter the academic field of law and economics by sponsoring their pursuit of a J.D. degree. Fellowship grants cover tuition and fees and provide a substantial stipend for up to three years.

To be eligible for a Levy Fellowship, an applicant must either (1) have earned a Ph.D. in economics, philosophy, political science, finance, or a related field from an accredited university or (2) have successfully completed all course work in one of the above fields and have passed a general exam for a Ph.D. in one of those fields from an accredited university. Additionally, each fellow must pledge that it is his or her intention to pursue a policy-related or an academic career with an interdisciplinary teaching and research specialization.

Two or more fellowships per year are granted to entering law students. Fellowship grants cover tuition and fees at the George Mason University School of Law and provide an average annual stipend of as much as $22,000 for up to three years.

Fellowships are granted for one academic year and are renewable, on evidence of satisfactory progress, for up to two additional years.

Additional information on how to apply is available here. The deadline for Applications is April 1, 2006.

In addition to the other benefits, Levy Fellows are participants in the Levy Fellows Workshop program at the law school, at which the Fellows present works in progress as well as inside and outside faculty. The Spring Levy Fellows workshop schedule is here.

Alumni of the Levy Fellows program include Professors Jonathan Klick of Florida State Law School and Moin Yahya of the University of Alberta School of Law as well as several lawyers at the Federal Trade Commission and elsewhere in the federal government.

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