Hello VC Readers!

Thanks to Eugene and the rest of the gang at the Volokh Conspiracy for having me as a guest blogger. There’s probably no better time to add another GMU Law Professor than now, when the school is enjoying a moment of well-deserved glory:).

Although I know many of you are hoping for more blogging about GMU basketball, I have to confess that my expertise in this area is nowhere near the level of Todd Zywicki’s. My sports loyalties are more with Boston teams, especially the Red Sox. Even GMU’s incredible trip to the Final Four does not – in my completely objective judgment – equal the REVERSAL OF THE CURSE in 2004, which was my personal greatest moment as a sports fan.

While I may at some point blog about sports issues, I will focus more on my actual areas of expertise in constitutional law, political participation, federalism and property rights. In the interest of shameless self-promotion, more information about my work is available here and here.

In the meantime, for all you law mavens/sports fans, here’s a sports law case that involves a lone Red Sox fan going up against the Evil Empire of the Bronx!

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