Government Speech Criticizing People for Their Speech:

The Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct has officially admonished Texas Supreme Court Justice Nathan Hecht for his statements on behalf of his friend Harriet Miers, when she was nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Orin comments on this, and questions whether the admonition is quite fair. I might also add an interpretive question: One of the canons that Justice Hecht supposedly violated says, “A judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for any public office, except that either may indicate support for a political party.” Does “candidate” include a Presidential nominee for a nonelective office, or does it only include candidates who are running in an election?

But let me also ask a different question: The Houston Chronicle reports that Justice Hecht plans to appeal the ruling, on the grounds that his comments were protected by the First Amendment. Does it violate the First Amendment, though, for the government to publicly reprimand you for your speech? The government, after all, is contributing something to the marketplace of ideas (though of course backed with its special authority as the government).

Maybe governmental speech is itself protected by the First Amendment, and maybe not; that’s a complex and unresolved question. But why should government speech, unconnected to any coercive action (loss of a job, loss of an office, and so on) be treated as a First Amendment violation? May Congress issue ad hoc condemnations of groups and organizations that it finds reprehensible (e.g., the Communist Party, the Nazi Party, etc.)? If so, why can’t government agencies issue condemnations of speech that they find violates some rule, even when the speech is immune from criminal punishment or other tangible governmental action?

I’ve seen some lower court cases that have, without much reflection, treated reprimands based on speech as First Amendment violations. There’s also been a bit of back-and-forth on the Court about this at times, though rarely. Still, it seems like an important and unresolved issue.

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