Wind Farms become Collateral Damage:

Opponents of a proposed wind farm off the coast of Massachsetts inserted a provision into the 2006 Defense Authorization Act barring federal permits for new wind projects pending completion of a study on whether wind turbines may interfere with military radar. As a result, some one-dozen wind power projects arond the country are on hold, according to the Washington Post.

More than 130 wind turbines are proposed for the hilltops of central Wisconsin, but that project and at least 11 others have been halted by the Defense Department as it studies whether the projects could interfere with military radar.

Wind farm developers, Midwestern legislators and environmentalists say the farms pose no risk, noting that there are already numerous wind farms operating in military radar areas. They say a renewable, domestic source of energy such as wind is crucial to energy security and independence. . . .

Defense and FAA officials said the “proposed hazard” letters are not prohibiting the wind farms, just delaying them until any risks to military operations can be assessed and resolved.

“We’re not saying, ‘No, you can’t do this,’ ” Spitaliere said. “We’re looking to work with the proposals to mitigate the hazard.”

UPDATE: There’s some more detail at Prometheus.

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