Putting a Human Face on the Lebanon War:

My posts on the war have been rather detached, but here’s a personal one.

My sister-in-law and her family live in Petach Tikvah, near Tel Aviv. She’s a worrier, in general, and not surprisingly she is very worried about Hizbollah missles making their way South. She’s also concerned that her husband, a medic in the reserves, will be called up for service in the event of a ground invasion of Lebanon.

Meanwhile, her in-laws live in Haifa, which is already suffering from Hizbollah barrages. To reduce the danger, her three Haifa nephews are now staying in my sister-in-law’s apartment, and going to day camp with her two kids. Their parents, both physicians, drive a couple of hours down from Haifa every night to avoid sleeping in shelters and to be with their kids. They drive back each morning to go to work. The family lived in Canada for several years, and just moved back last year.

My wife also has cousins in Haifa. My sister-in-law offered to put them and their children up, too, but they declined the invitation. Their children, however, were reported to be “scared to death,” and they have found refuge with other relatives.

My thoughts are with them, and (admittedly to a lesser extent) with all of the innocent victims in Israel, and Lebanon too (though I’m glad the non-innocent victims in Lebanon are getting what they deserve!)

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