Left, right, and betwixt on gay marriage and polygamy:

On the heels of the recent judicial losses for same-sex marriage litigants, a group of academics and activists issued a manifesto entitled “Beyond Marriage” that basically repeats the things they’ve been saying for decades about family policy: Gay marriage is not their cause because they really don’t much like marriage at all. Marriage should not be special in any way. Marriages should be treated legally the same as any arrangement any group of people want to live in.

Seizing on this, Princeton professor and gay-marriage opponent Robert George praised their “intellectual honesty and logical consistency” and replied, in effect: “Aha! This proves we were right all along! Gay marriage will lead to polygamy and gay-marriage supporters have no serious answer on the subject.” For him, gay marriage is just part of the movement for “multiple sex partners.”

Jon Rauch has some replies for George here. (Update: If that link to Rauch’s reply doesn’t work, go to www.indegayforum.com and look for “Not So Fast, Mr. George” under the “CultureWatch” column on the right.)

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