Neil Gorsuch’s The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia:

It’s just out from Princeton University Press, and I quite liked it (to the point of writing a jacket blurb for it). I know Neil from clerking, and he’s a very smart and thoughtful guy. He’s also just been appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit — a very good choice, in my view. Here’s the publisher’s summary:

In clear terms accessible to the general reader, Neil Gorsuch thoroughly assesses the strengths and weaknesses of leading contemporary ethical arguments for assisted suicide and euthanasia. He explores evidence and case histories from the Netherlands and Oregon, where the practices have been legalized. He analyzes libertarian and autonomy-based arguments for legalization as well as the impact of key U.S. Supreme Court decisions on the debate. And he examines the history and evolution of laws and attitudes regarding assisted suicide and euthanasia in American society.

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