Seems Like an Interesting Site for Political Junkies,

or those who are planned on acquiring the habit in the next few months — Election Projection – 2006 Edition. The post I link to discusses why generic “Will you vote for the Republican or the Democrat in November?” questions may be of limited use in predicting actual results. “Generic polls may uncover a sense of dissatisfaction with the majority party in Washington, but they do not seem, as head-to-head polls show, to indicate a willingness to kick the bums out. It’s as though the electorate has grown weary of GOP control, but doesn’t see the Democratic candidate in these closely-held GOP districts as a viable alternative.” True or not? I don’t know enough to tell, but it seems interesting.

The “Blogging Caesar” nickname, on the other hand, doesn’t work for me, even though I’ve read the explanation.

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