The Agassi Saga:

It was hard — for me, at least — to be unmoved by the whole Agassi story. It was hype, of course — but it was far from being just hype. A standing ovation from the press corps, and then, remarkably, a two-minute standing ovation in the players’ lounge. A great sports moment — not quite up there to the level of When Peewee Put His Arm Around Jackie, or Gehrig’s Farewell Address, but definitely in the exalted second tier. His little speech to the other players: Respect the game; take yourself seriously, because people out there take you seriously. There was something oddly ennobling about the whole thing.

I know there are VC readers who wish we’d stick to the “important” things, like politics, and law. To them, my apologies. But I’m one of those people who thinks that events like this do more — much more, in fact — to define who we are than does the question of who will be the next Senator from Connecticut. Just my $.02.

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