If You Can’t Bring Makeup on an Airplane, the Terrorists Have Won:

New York magazine’s August 28th issue has a short piece discussing how upset various fashion poobahs are that they won’t be able to groom themselves properly on the plane on the way to European Fashion Week (whatever that is). Here is the choicest comment:

“Everybody is bummed because it’s a really long flight and looking good is part of the industry,” says Jane beauty director Erin Flaherty. “you’re seeing all of your colleagues on the plane. I thnk everybody is going to have their most oversized sunglasss on. They should screen people in the airport better. It sems like such an ignorant solution. The terrorists got exactly what they wanted.

If fashion editors can’t look their best on flights to Europe, the terrorists have won.

UPDATE: I’m flying today, and have to check my bag due to the new rules. Yuck. Worse yet, if I see some of my fellow law professors on the plane, I may not look my best!

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