Montreal Killer: Meet Trench, the Angel of Death.–

Some news organizations, such as the Calgary Sun, have identified the Canadian gunman at Dawson College in Montreal as Kimveer Gill, age 25. The police have neither confirmed nor denied Gill as the killer. The Sun, on its CNEWS website, published a picture purporting to be Gill in a black trench coat holding a gun, a photo that it had downloaded from the goth website,

I located the webpage and the member who posted the picture that was fingered by the Sun’s sources as the killer. Ominously, the member’s name was “fatality666.” On fatality666’s page are many pictures of a young man from Quebec with a modified mohawk haircut and guns.

His profile reads:

His name is Trench. You will come to know him as the Angel of Death. He is male. He is 25 years of age. He lives in Quebec. He finds that it is an O.K place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handfull of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, betraying, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers.

Work sucks……….School sucks……….Life sucks……….What else can I say

Metal and Goth kick ass

Life is like a video game, you gotta die sometime.

Fatality666’s journal has this heading:

Fatality of Mind and Soul

People once believed, that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens, that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes the crow could bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.

Fatality666 has a very active journal, including this post on September 12, which suggests some of the same motivation as the Columbine killers:

Stop High school Bullying (FUCK THE JOCKS)

Stop High School Bullying

Stop making fun of each other because of the clothes you wear, or the way people talk or act, or any other reasons you make fun of each other.

It’s all the jocks’ fault


So Just Stop……………o.k.???

Mood:Angry at the jocks
Music:Subway to Sally – Unsterblich

This post from September 10 suggests some paranoia:

Shut up

I wonder why my household has been under surveillance by law enforcement for 6 years now? Makes no sense to me!!

Oh, you’re wondering how I know?
Bet you little monkeys are
Hey, assholes!!
Everything everyone says or does against me is shown to me in my dreams, I see everything. You fucking monkeys.

God, you humans are so inferior.
Music:Marilyn Manson – Coma White

On September 4, fatality666 admits that he dreams about murder:

usually I have dreams about people being murdered, hung, getting shot in the head, and stuff like that. Sometimes it’s me that that stuff is happening to, and it’s always dark and cold.

In several comments, fatality666 defends his use of the N-word. He is a fan of Quentin Tarantino movies and writes “GO POSTAL” (August 26).

The captions below are posted along with these pictures at Fatality666’s page at The last picture is ominously captioned: “Ready for action.”

“I think I have an obbsetion with guns…..MUAHAHAHA”

“Me again, hope this pic didn’t scare anyone too much”

“Love the kneeling stance with a rifle”

“CX4 Storm Semi-Automatic Carbine”

“Ready For Action”

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