My Heart Bleeds Over This Outrageous “Harass[ment]”:

The Great Falls Tribune reports:

The arrival of a white nationalist family, including 14-year-old twins who perform music as the group Prussian Blue, has prompted neighbors to distribute fliers that say, “No hate here.”

Lamb and Lynx Gaede, their mother April and stepfather Mark Harrington moved to Kalispell from Bakersfield, Calif., which was “not white enough,” April Gaede told ABC’s “Primetime” in a show that aired last fall….

[Neighbors recognized the Gaedes from the television program, and] printed information sheets about the family and went door-to-door passing them out.

“This letter is not written as a means to harass the family or to begin a witch hunt,” the flier said. “We wish the family no harm. Our goal is to peacefully communicate that this kind of hate and ignorance will not be accepted here in our neighborhood where we live and raise our families.”

“No hate here,” is printed on the one side of the brightly colored fliers. Residents were asked to display the signs in their windows.

Prussian Blue’s music includes a song called “Sacrifice,”which praises Nazi leader Rudolf Hess, a deputy to Adolf Hitler. The girls have performed at rallies for white nationalist causes.

“The music that Prussian Blue performs is intended for white people,” the girls’ Web site says. “They hope to help fellow Whites come to understand that love for one’s race is a beautiful gift that we should celebrate.” …
[T]he police said the family called to say they were being harassed by the neighbors’ efforts to post fliers. Officers explained that the neighbors’ free speech rights made distributing the fliers legal.

I’m with the officers — and the neighbrs — on this one. If you praise Nazis, don’t expect your neighbors to welcome you with open arms, or to sit quietly by as you publicly explain that you’re moving next to them because they’re “white enough” for you. You have the right to speak your mind. They have the right to speak theirs, and to remonstrate with you over your views.

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