Alberto Gonzales, Stealth LawProf?:

From today’s Reliable Source in the Washington Post:

Alberto Gonzales dropped by GWU Law School yesterday, surprising 40 students in the criminal procedure class. The attorney general talked about military commissions, terrorist surveillance and the Patriot Act and took questions for 40 minutes — before vanishing as mysteriously as he arrived. Turns out this was all his idea: Gonzales just got a hankering for legal chat with some students, and his staff tracked down a willing prof, former DOJ lawyer Renee Lerner. “I guess he really likes teaching,” she said. “The students, of course, were delighted to have him.” Is the AG mulling a move to academia? “He is not ruling any options out in terms of future careers,” said Justice spokeswoman Tasia Scolinos . Any more stealth visits to law schools planned? “I wouldn’t rule it out.”

  Pretty cool, I think. A photo of the visit is here. My colleague Renee is a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Office of Legal Counsel in the Bush Administration, where she served from 2003 to 2005.

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